National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR)
In early 2019, Shriners Hospitals for Children began reporting data to the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR). NACOR is a data warehouse housed by the Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI) and developed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Some of the information reported includes total cases, provider ID, ASA physical status, payment type, case duration, age, sex, and adverse outcome (if indicated). With millions of cases in the registry, AQI’s clinical data provides an evidence-based rationale that informs treatment choices and helps control treatment costs. NACOR is enthusiastically endorsed by the Shriners Anesthesia Executive Council (AEC), Quality & Safety Council, and Physician Executive Team. Participating in the registry provides Shriners Hospitals for Children the following benefits: • Access to patient care management tools, education, and IT vendors • National performance indicators • Custom continuous performance monitors • Ability to measure performance beyond local facility • Performance gap analysis and patient outlier identification • National comparative analytic reports • Peer-to-peer benchmarks To fully realize the benefits of NACOR participation, we improved data collection and automated reporting. Medical Informatics, in conjunction with the AEC, continues to make improvements to the electronic medical record to allow anesthesia providers to document outcomes more easily. Twenty-six adverse outcome event types were identified and reported to the registry.Reporting through a certified vendor allows the process to be fully automated. By putting the data we receive from NACOR to work, Shriners Hospitals for Children can ensure delivery of care of the highest quality. In 2020, we reported data on over 6,000 anesthesia cases. Sixty- six total adverse event occurrences were reported, of which Shriners Hospitals for Children outperformed the NACOR Benchmark for all twenty-six events. Below are a few notable benchmark reports. Quarterly reports are provided to each site’s Chief of Anesthesia for analysis and quality improvement efforts.
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