Annual Report 2023-2024

women impacting care Believe in Tomorrow: Helping teens move into the adult healthcare world

Chaired by Shriners International’s First Lady JoLynn Dickins, this year’s Women Impacting Care program focused on Shriners Children’s extraordinary efforts to help teenage patients with life-long conditions transition to adulthood. “Stepping into adulthood is such a magical time for every young person,” said Lady JoLynn. “We wanted to make sure that our patients had all the resources they needed to successfully shift not only their medical care but many of the life changes that come with growing up.” Realizing Shriners Children’s patients entering adulthood and their families faced unique situations such as health insurance changes, lifestyle changes, and more, the program’s goal was to make this adjustment as smooth and successful as possible. Believe in Tomorrow sought donations, partly through selling products featuring the theme’s symbol, a feather. “As we began putting our Women Impacting Care program together, I knew the feather would be a perfect symbol for Believe In Tomorrow,” explains Lady JoLynn. “In many cultures, the white feather is seen as a sign of hope and promise. In the Native American tradition, the white feather is often given to someone to remind them that they are not alone and that there is still beauty in this world. I wanted our Shriners Children's kids to know they have protectors and guardians looking out for them as they leave our healthcare system and enter society to create a new life for themselves.”

The program raised awareness and strengthened the healthcare system’s programs to help guide patients and families through an amazing network of resources to address current care needs and to educate patients and families on possible life experiences and opportunities they may encounter as patients enter adulthood. First Lady JoLynn is proud to have supported Shriners Children’s efforts to help teens who live with complex medical conditions navigate to the adult healthcare world and thanks everyone for their generous support of the Women Impacting Care program. Shriners Children’s remains committed to providing these services for our patients, as we understand their experiences and have dedicated a century of care to helping patients live life to the fullest. WOMEN IMPACTING CARE Women Impacting Care is a thoughtful group of women donors, supporters and advocates who have bonded together to help highlight services and programs of Shriners Children’s. An annual program dedicated to supporting Shriners Children’s mission to change and improve lives, Women Impacting Care emphasizes the collaboration and support of all women who are dedicated to serving the patients and mission of Shriners Children’s. “I am so honored to have been this year's Chair of Women Impacting Care. It's been a privilege to work with the extraordinary women connected to Shriners International. We shared a common vision that revolved around the power


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