Annual Report 2023-2024

Shriners International Annual Report 2023-2024


in 2023-2024 doing

year in review

in 2023-2024 doing more

Fraternity Message From the Imperial Potentate ................................................ 2 About Shriners International ...................................................................... 4 Message From the Executive Vice President .................................. 5 An Upward Trajectory for Membership ............................................... 6 Dedicated to Governing and Supporting the Philanthropy.... 8 Ladies Groups Make Impact for Shriners Children’s ...................... 9 A Formula for Membership Growth ...................................................... 10 Positioning the Fraternity for a Strong Future ..............................12 2023 Dromedary Awards ............................................................................. 14 Financial Highlights ......................................................................................... 17 Imperial Divan Officers ................................................................................. 18 Board of Directors ............................................................................................. 19 Philanthropy Message From the Chairman of the Board of Trustees ......... 20 About Shriners Children's ........................................................................... 22 Message From the Executive Vice President ............................... 23 Why We Do What We Do ........................................................................... 24 Awards Recognize Data-Driven Advancements ........................ 28 Harnessing the Power of Women ........................................................ 30 An Epic Investment in Patient Care .................................................... 32 Staying Ahead of the Curve ...................................................................... 34 Motion Analysis Centers Lead Effort to Standardize Practice .................................................................................38 Care Where the Kids Are ............................................................................ 40 Measuring Outcomes Helps Improve Clinical Decision-Making ........................................................................... 42 Telehealth: Improving Access to Healthcare ................................ 44 POPS Care Continues to Expand in New Ways ......................... 46 Dedicated to Providing Exceptional Patient Care .................... 48 Special Care is Delivered in Special Places ..................................... 52 Leveraging Our Healthcare System's Data, Exploring New Ways to Help Patients ............................................. 56 All Systems Go for Information Services .......................................... 63 Thoughtful Budgeting for an Ambitious Future ....................... 64 Financial Highlights ........................................................................................ 65 Board of Trustees .............................................................................................. 66 Board of Directors ............................................................................................ 67 Support Personal Connections Inspire Donors .............................................. 68 Donors are Our Superheroes ....................................................................72 Centennial Celebrations .............................................................................. 73 Telling Our Stories .............................................................................................74 Raising Our Profile, Telling Our Story ................................................ 80 Women Impacting Care ............................................................................. 86 International Patient Ambassadors Inspire ...................................88

Guiding Principles Fun, Fellowship, Philanthropy Shriners International is a fraternity with more than 200 temples (chapters) operating in several countries, thousands of clubs around the world, and thousands of members dedicated to the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. While members enjoy the fraternity’s brotherhood, fun and fellowship, they are also dedicated to supporting their philanthropy, Shriners Children’s ™ . Shriners Children’s is a healthcare system dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing excellent pediatric specialty care, conducting innovative research and offering outstanding educational programs for medical professionals. Children up to age 18 with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, craniofacial anomalies or sports injuries are eligible for care and receive all services in a family- centered environment, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. As a nonprofit organization, Shriners Children’s relies on the generosity of donors to carry out its three-part mission of patient care, research and education. Direct donations, proceeds from fundraising events, estate gifts and support from the Shriners fraternity allow this internationally renowned healthcare system to provide care for thousands of patients each year. Shriners Children’s is grateful to every donor who helps make this work possible.

Copyright © 2024 Shriners International and Shriners Children’s. All rights reserved.

building for the future: Doing More in ʼ 24 A MESSAGE FROM THE IMPERIAL POTENTATE What a wonderful year it has been! Lady JoLynn and I are so appreciative for the opportunity to serve as your Imperial Potentate and First Lady. It has meant so much to us to represent Shriners International and Shriners Children’s and to do our very best for them each day. The year was full of milestones that Lady JoLynn and I will never forget. Visiting temples and attending Shriners association meetings provided special opportunities to come together to share and provide information. Connecting with nobles and families is so meaningful to us. The Shriners fraternity is truly family! As our healthcare system steps into its next century of care, I am proud of our dedication to our vision of providing high-quality medical care for more kids, in more places, more conveniently and closer to their homes. Our U.S. locations are using technology and streamlining operations to expand their reach. Internationally, new collaborations are helping us reach more patients in Canada, and new clinic locations are making care easier to access in Mexico. I was privileged to attend outreach clinics in places including Cyprus, and seeing children from so many countries receive our special Shriners Children's care simply fills my heart. Speaking of patients, what an honor it has been to work alongside Gianna and Juan Diego, our incredible International Patient Ambassadors. What remarkable young people they are! They told their stories — and the story of Shriners Children’s — with generosity and eloquence, and Lady JoLynn and I could not be more inspired by them. We thank Gianna and Juan Diego and their families for the time and energy they devoted to our healthcare system this year.

We also want to thank everyone for their support of Women Impacting Care, spearheaded by Lady JoLynn with the theme Believe in Tomorrow. This program supported Shriners Children's efforts to enhance our approach and work as a system in helping patients as they age out of our pediatric healthcare system. Lady JoLynn and I are so proud to support the Young Adult Transition in Care program. Your gifts will help us strengthen these efforts and spread the word of the expertise and compassion that Shriners Children’s offers to patients and families as they approach this milestone. There’s never been a more wonderful time to be a Shriner. Our fun and fellowship can be found nowhere else. The philanthropy we support gives us meaning and allows us to be a part of something greater than ourselves. Looking back on this incredible year, I know I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the love, support and determination of my late wife, Cheryl. I am so grateful to her. And I’m grateful to Lady JoLynn for supporting me through this journey. As we welcome Imperial Sir Richard Burke and Lady Judy to their new roles of Imperial Potentate and First Lady, we wish them a wonderful, meaningful year. And we thank all of our nobles and ladies for their years of support, kindness, generosity and courtesy. Yours in the faith, James E. “Ed” Stolze Jr. Imperial Potentate, Shriners International


“ There’s never been a more wonderful time to be a Shriner ... The philanthropy we support gives us meaning and allows us to be a part of something greater than ourselves.”


Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, truth and relief. Shriners International is more than a fraternity. Shriners are part of an amazing brotherhood where they are building lifelong friendships while also supporting a unique healthcare system. Shriners International currently has 201 temples operating throughout the world, and there are thousands of geographically based clubs and interest groups worldwide. Shriners International DEDICATED TO FUN, FELLOWSHIP & PHILANTHROPY

Shriners temples sponsor organized activities through clubs and units to engage members and promote fellowship. These range from motor corps, gaming units, and cosplay units, to taproom, sports and barbecue clubs. In addition, something that sets Shriners apart from other fraternities is the ability to “build your own experience.” This means that members are encouraged to create new events, clubs and units according to their own interests.

The fraternity’s primary philanthropy is Shriners Children’s, which provides care for orthopedic conditions, burn injuries, spine conditions and spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. Founded in 1922, our healthcare system has treated more than 1.5 million children worldwide. What began as one hospital over 100 years ago is now a world-renowned healthcare

system with locations in three countries and outreach clinics that help children get care closer to home.

Our members are known for their compassion for others, and for being active contributors to supporting local community initiatives. Shriners help make the world a better place. To learn more, please visit and .


no Shortcuts Intentional effort is the only road to success A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT

Life teaches us that there is a relationship between the effort we put in and the result we obtain. While it is true that not every effort produces a favorable result, it is equally true that providing little or no effort does not lead to favorable results. In 2023, Shriners as a group put in a substantially increased effort, and we saw the rewards. For the first time in 20 years, Shriners International experienced a positive membership growth over a period of six months. Through commitment and cooperation, we substantially dialed back the extent of our membership loss. Although we weren’t able to maintain this momentum and post membership gain for the year, we do have something to celebrate: the shared understanding that our increased efforts in 2023 resulted in remarkably better results. The common denominator of temples experiencing membership success is effort. It is not “strategery,” temple location or the attractiveness of the temple Potentate’s pin. It is, simply, putting in the work. Even when it’s hard. We are very close to turning the corner on membership. We’re in the red zone, the nose of the football practically touching the goal line. With shared determination and sacrificial efforts, we can achieve our membership goals. But as they say, you have to play all four quarters to win. This is a team effort, and each of us has a role to play. Each can contribute to getting across the goal line of membership growth, by committing to showing up and making the effort. Help make us the winning team! Fraternally, John C. Piland Executive Vice President Shriners International

OUR MISSION Shriners International is committed to: » Being the premier fraternal organization for men of good character » P roviding attractive, quality families and their friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship and philanthropy » F ostering self-improvement through leadership, education, the perpetuation of moral values and community involvement » Serving mankind through the resources of its philanthropy, Shriners Children’s programs and services for its members, their


an upward trajectory for Membership Referral systems help temples foster recruitment

It was a big year for membership, as recruitment improved compared to other recent years, new Shrine clubs formed and young leaders continued to step up in their temples. In the first half of 2023, 85 temples had positive growth. During those six months, the fraternity's net membership increased by 231 members. Some of that growth cooled in the second half of the year. But still, at the end of 2023, 22 temples had positive growth and another 60 temples had lost just a few members. Overall, for the organization as a whole, this past year had the smallest decline in membership in 20 years, roughly 4%. The most telling figure, according to Bryan Harrison, chief membership development officer for the fraternity, is that 2023 almost exceeded the number of new members when compared to 2019. The key difference is, there were about 40,000 more members back in 2019. Traditionally, recruitment has been bigger when the fraternity is bigger. So, the recruitment this past year has been unprecedented, Harrison said. “We’ve never seen that before. Until now, when our membership went down, the total number of members recruited went down.” The reason for this turnabout is likely because the chapters have been better using tools such as and the e-petition.

“The big difference is that our local temples have been using the newer systems set up to foster more recruitment,” Harrison said. Region 15, the international region, contributed significantly to the improved recruitment figures this year, with 11 of the 12 temples in the region seeing growth. Membership in the international chapters grew by 42% last year. It grew by 22% in 2022. The international growth has been particularly impressive in Brazil and Mexico, where all six of the chapters in those two countries had growth above, or close to, 10% in 2023. But those aren’t the only places outside the United States where there is growth. A new chapter was chartered in Lebanon and new regional clubs were formed in South Africa and Japan. Younger members lead to growth, as demonstrated in Region 15. In the international region, more than 40% of Shriners are younger than 51, and in the fraternity overall, there are about 400 new leaders who are under 45. Will this improved recruitment gain momentum in the next year and beyond? Only time will tell – and, perhaps there will be continued effort to use the recruitment systems. But, either way, Harrison is encouraged. “This was a foundational year for us to result in membership growth in ensuing years,” he said.


in the first half of 2023 85 6,404 new members joined in 2023 400 new leaders who are under age 45

temples with positive growth


dedicated to governing and SUPPORTING THE PHILANTHROPY Shriners give time and talent and raise funds for Shriners Children’s

Shriners are known for their devotion to children served by their philanthropy, Shriners Children’s. In addition to being responsible for the governance of their healthcare system, Shriners selflessly give their time as volunteers, helping each location in a variety of ways. Shriners are also committed to fundraising efforts, organizing and supporting a range of activities to benefit Shriners Children’s. Temple fundraising efforts continue to increase Shriners International temples hosted 251 fundraising events in 2023, a slight increase from the previous year. These events raised nearly $7.7 million for the healthcare system, about $1.7 million more than in 2022. Nearly $ 1.8 million of that total was used to help offset temple patient transportation costs of nearly $ 10.1 million in 2022. There were 251 charitable events in 2023, up from 248 events in 2022 . The 251 events raised a total of nearly $7.7 million for Shriners Children’s, up from 248 events and nearly $6 million. Nearly $1.8 million of the total raised above was used to help offset temple patient transportation costs of nearly $10.1 million in 2022.

The most frequently held fundraiser continues to be the paper crusade. In 2023, 37 paper crusades raised $3,551,007. Sporting events are a popular way for nobles to support the healthcare system. Last year temples held 33 golf tournaments, which raised $675,250, and 16 football games, which raised $896,839. In addition to providing funds, these events also raise the healthcare system’s profile and help us tell the story of the amazing care Shriners Children’s provides, reaching potential donors and patient families. Other events often sponsored by temples to benefit the healthcare system include fishing tournaments, horse shows, concerts,

raffles, sporting clays, dinner parties, motorcycle rides, auto races, dances, rodeos, festivals and more.

Of the 251 events, the following were the most popular: paper crusades raised $3,551,007 37 golf tournaments raised $675,250 33 football games raised $896,839 16


Ladies Groups Make Impact for Shriners Children’s

The ladies’ organizations, including Daughters of the Nile, Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America and Shrine Guilds of America, Inc., are a very special part of the Shriners Children’s family. The women of these organizations have contributed millions of dollars to support the healthcare system over the years, as well as countless volunteer hours to Shriners Children’s. They also donate much-needed items such as clothing, quilts, books, toys and games. Shriners International is immensely grateful to the members of these ladies’ organizations for their generous support of our philanthropy and its mission to improve the lives of children.

Generous Giving:

$529,573 $72 million

Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America, 2023

Daughters of the Nile, total giving through 2023


a formula for Membership Growth A MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OFFICER It’s been a long time since we were able to say this in our Annual Report, but last year, Shriners International experienced a positive membership growth over a period of six months. It bears repeating: For the first time in at least 20 years, our fraternity posted growth over a six-month period, the byproduct of over 80 temples laser focused on recruitment and delivering an outstanding member experience. It’s proof of what we have long known to be true: that Shriners International as a brotherhood is attractive and relevant. The values we stand for — fun, fellowship and philanthropy — resonate with men across the globe. Our challenges moving forward are to avoid becoming complacent, to learn from that period of success and to spin it forward. It’s important that our primary focus is on new creations. Our fraternity has one of the highest retention rates in the industry, but without new creations, we will not grow. Maintaining our retention efforts, increasing resources toward new creations, and empowering new members to create relevant activities is crucial to success. As Shriners, we need to remain adaptable. There’s no one thing that will work across the board — no silver bullet. Rather, members of each temple must commit to connecting with one another and with potential members in their area, particularly Master Masons. In that way, we can learn what our brothers want and need and then begin to meet those needs.

As an organization with a strong foundation and rich history, we are in a unique position. We must implement the tools we have available to continue to attract and engage new members. Through local temple efforts and specially designed initiatives deployed from Shriners International, we must provide value to new and prospective

members as well as our long-time nobles and legacy families. I remain excited to see where the next year will take us, together. Sincerely, Bryan Harrison Chief Membership Development Officer Shriners International



positioning the fraternity for a strong future #ShrinersNextGen: Inspiring Young Leaders

consultation with key stakeholders from multiple departments including Fraternal Information Services (FIS), the Office of Membership Development, Shriners International Education Foundation and the Membership Executive Committee. “We are committed to continuing to provide opportunities for our members to access the support they need,” said Chief Membership Development Officer Bryan Harrison. “We encourage all members and their spouses to take advantage of the resources available to them and to engage with us as much as possible.” The Member Center will be back for the 2024 Imperial Session in Reno, Nevada, with even more to offer for nobles and temple leaders. We hope to see you there! Check out the online Member Center On , the Member Center features areas where members can: Education Foundation (SIEF) » Get membership information » Find marketing and communications resources » Connect with a member of the Imperial Membership Executive Committee » Read the latest news articles SIEF: A journey of education Enhancing leadership skills in the Masonic community Shriners International Education Foundation (SIEF) was established in 2016 to support and improve lives through the promotion » Get fraternal information » Get help with technology » Learn about the Shriners International

For our fraternity to grow, we need to both retain and engage long-time members while also attracting and inspiring new, younger members. Shriners has more than 1,500 members in elected positions, including about 400 new leaders under age 45. The NextGen initiative highlights our next generation of Shrine leaders. Through telling the stories of some of these impressive young men, we hope to inspire other younger members to pursue Shrine leadership opportunities as well. NextGen Shriners are featured on social media and on . Scan the QR code to meet some of the men who have decided to make a difference in the world. Through their good character, compassion, loyalty, fellowship and support of their brotherhood, these men are today’s change makers. NextGen leaders are committed to growth and improvement of themselves and their communities and ultimately want to make the world a better place in which to live. Popular Imperial Session Member Center offers resources The Membership Department has made significant efforts to engage members and showcase the wide range of resources available to them. A very successful avenue for this is the Member Center at Imperial Session. Located in the Shriners Zone, the Member Center is more than an exhibit booth — it is a place where nobles can access a wealth of information and support. A tremendous educational opportunity for all, this one-stop-shop provides valuable 1 on 1


SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION Established in 2016, Shriners International Education Foundation (SIEF) works to improve lives by promoting, supporting and fostering education, training, study and research, and leadership skills for all, including aspiring leaders within Shriners International, Masonic appendant and concordant bodies, and nonprofit organizations. SIEF believes that knowledge is the key to making the effective organizational decisions that are necessary for leaders to better serve their constituents, and its educational programs are part of that effort to make a difference. SIEF intends to empower the leaders of Shriners International and its philanthropy, Shriners Children’s, along with other related and like-minded organizations who share the mission and vision of the Shriners organizations, in supporting their charitable goals and mission to make the world a better place. To learn more, please visit

of education and leadership opportunities, training, study and research. It has become an important resource for Shriners, their ladies and the whole Masonic community. “In my opinion, education is the foundation for growth and permanence in our fraternity,” said Adrian Aguayo, who is a member of Anezeh Shriners and serves as regional membership director for Region 15, which includes temples in Puerto Rico, Central and South America, Europe and Asia. SIEF is vital to the future success and strength of our fraternity, and of members of the entire Masonic family including both men and women from appendant, allied and affiliated bodies, said Chief Membership Development Officer Bryan Harrison. The foundation is a perfect extension of the mission of Shriners International, which includes providing effective, attractive, quality programs and services for the Masonic community and fostering self-improvement through leadership and education. “The inclusion of ladies in these educational opportunities offers a great opportunity for them to better comprehend the fraternity and its philanthropy, resulting in more involvement by the whole family to enjoy the fun and fellowship that Shriners strive for,” Adrian said. “Temples all around the world now have the opportunity to better understand and learn about Shriners.” The Noble Academy, which provides chapter operations education for the entire Masonic community, was launched by SIEF in the fall of 2020 to create a collaborative learning environment for Shriners and Masons. With a senior membership education manager on the membership department staff, the future of SIEF is bright. Goals include creating a full learning ecosystem providing on-the-job and just-in-time resources, training and professional development, in addition to offering interactive learning experiences and comprehensive, topically based courses. The vision is to become the go-to source of education and training for the entire Masonic community and nonprofit organizations. Grounded in providing relevant, quality learning experiences, SIEF aims to provide best-in-class training to fuel its ultimate goal — changing lives for the better. If Masonry is all about studying and becoming a better man, Shriners is about the next step, said Adrian. “Shriners is the opportunity to put those studies in practice.”


Dromedary Awards recognize excellence in Temple Communications

Newspapers/ Newsletters Winners Abu Bekr Shriners Sioux City, Iowa Abu Bekr News Midian Shriners Wichita, Kansas Midian Topics Honorable Mentions Alee Shriners Savannah, Georgia Alee Fez Magazines Winners Ainad Shriners East St. Louis, Illinois Ainad Bulletin Murat Shriners Indianapolis, Indiana Murat Magazine Honorable Mentions Rajah Shriners Reading, Pennsylvania Rajah News Syria Shriners Cheswick, Pennsylvania Voice of Syria Zenobia Shriners Perrysburg, Ohio Zenobia Hadji

Websites Winners Jamil Shriners Columbia, South Carolina Kena Shriners Manassas, Virginia Honorable Mentions Naja Shriners Rapid City, South Dakota Syria Shriners Cheswick, Pennsylvania Email Communications Winners Asiya Shriners San Mateo, California Units and Clubs Update Hadi Shriners Evansville, Indiana Upcoming June Events!! Honorable Mentions Aahmes Shriners Livermore, California Divan Breakfast Email Murat Shriners

For 35 years, Shriners International has recognized temples for their successful communications. From websites, magazines and newsletters, to social media and email updates, the annual Dromedary Awards celebrate excellence in communications across the fraternity. A panel of judges reviews and offers feedback for all entries and chooses two winners and two honorable mentions in six categories, providing an opportunity for an exchange of ideas that helps grow and enhance digital and print communications, year after year. 2023 was an outstanding year with judges praising creative and eye-catching photos, simple, clear layouts, and the consistent use of style and graphics across mediums. Publications were recognized for having engaging features detailing unit activities, hospital updates and temple events. Photo galleries and collages received high marks, as did sections promoting fraternal and healthcare system milestones. The judges also applauded sections that focused on recruitment and the nobility, including new noble spotlights and special messages about what’s it like to be a Shriner.

Indianapolis, Indiana Shrine Happenings


Facebook Winners Alzafar Shriners San Antonio, Texas Salah Shriners Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil Honorable Mentions Beni Kedem Shriners Charleston, West Virginia Zenobia Shriners Perrysburg, Ohio Instagram Winners Anezeh Shriners Mexico City, Mexico Salah Shriners Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil Honorable Mentions Emirat Shriners Wiesbaden, Germany Moolah Shriners St. Louis, Missouri

Winner Spotlight Dromedary Award winning temple offers tips for creating communications that nobles love

Vibrant, quality content. Motivational spotlights. Colorful, bold graphics.

When Oleksii Chuiko gets into the creative zone, he keeps these concepts top of mind. As the Shriner in charge of communications for Asiya temple in San Mateo, California, Oleksii is inspired to use a bold, unconventional approach to draw his readers in. And it’s working. In 2023, Asiya Shriners earned a Dromedary Award for best in email communications for their Units and Clubs Updates campaign, and in 2022 they took the top prize in the magazine category for Salaam , which is published three times a year. “Our main strategy is to ensure that our communications are clear, concise, and include a call to action. Humor is essential, and our nobles are responding to a less formal, more creative approach,” said Oleksii, who is director of operations for Asiya Shriners. “Whether it’s an invitation for an upcoming event or a request for volunteers, we always provide a way for nobles to engage directly. User-friendliness of the entire process cannot be over-emphasized,” he added. Continued on next page ...


Recognizing that each unit and club operates with its unique flair and focus, Units and Clubs Updates captures the activities that members passionately organize and engage in. Inspirational spotlights showcasing the hard work and dedication of nobles motivate others to actively contribute to their respective groups. It is less about disseminating information and more about crafting an engaging narrative of their shared journey. Asiya Shriners’ use of bold, colorful graphics and their clever approach to content are different from many other Shriner publications and make them really stand out,” commented one of the Dromedary Awards judges. Oleksii shared that it takes courage to be different. “You can only be outstanding when you stand out,” he said. “This means we’re constantly pushing boundaries, exploring untapped themes, employing humor, and embracing a bold aesthetic that might be considered unorthodox in the traditional Shrine landscape." Reflecting on advice he would share with other temples about communication and engagement, Oleksii encouraged others to dare to break the » A picture is worth a thousand words, but a flood of photos can drown the message. » Leverage QR codes and links to guide your nobles and readers toward extended content on your digital platforms. » Always include a call to action. » I t’s about quality, not just quantity, and directing engagement to where it thrives most! “Don’t be afraid to be different and step outside of the comfort zone,” he said. “We capture unforgettable moments, putting the spotlight on our Shrine family’s joyous experiences. This approach not only preserves our cherished times but also highlights the genuine excitement of our fraternity to outsiders. Memories never expire, and nothing is more compelling than a shared smile or laugh captured within the pages of our next issue.” mold. He gave a few practical tips: » Stay pertinent in your messaging.

“You can only be outstanding when you stand out.”

Oleksii Chuiko, Asiya Shriners


Shriners International and Shriners International Education Foundation financial highlights


(in thousands)


ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents

1,504 1,182 12,913

1,405 1,290


Other current assets Marketable securities


Land, buildings and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation




Total assets



LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Due to Shriners Hospitals for Children

838 936

742 898


4,123 5,897 9,473 15,370 5,312 464 1,586 7,362

4,129 5,769 10,151 15,920

Other liabilities Total liabilities

Net assets

Total liabilities and net assets


REVENUES Annual per capita Investment return




1,367 7,448


Total revenues


EXPENSES Board, Divan and other Fraternal costs Office of Executive Vice President Office of Membership Development Marketing and Communications Department

628 875 431

565 861 467 1,051



Fraternal Information Services and related costs

1,232 2,345





460 1,118

Education Foundation expenses *


Annual Session of Shriners International



Total operating expenses


Deficiency of revenues over expenses from operations Net unrealized losses on investments




(1460) (1,996)


Decrease in net assets


* Costs of Shriners International Educational Foundation to support various educational seminars.


Shriners International IMPERIAL DIVAN OFFICERS James E. "Ed" Stolze Jr.

Lawrence J. Leib Imperial High Priest and Prophet Moslem Shriners Farmington Hills, Michigan Mark E. Hartz Imperial Oriental Guide Boumi Shriners Baltimore, Maryland Brad T. Koehn Imperial Treasurer Arab Shriners Topeka, Kansas Jim Cain Imperial Recorder Al Menah Shriners Nashville, Tennessee

Matthew Sturlaugson Imperial First Ceremonial Master El Zagal Shriners West Fargo, North Dakota Martin L. Bartlett Imperial Second Ceremonial Master Alzafar Shriners San Antonio, Texas Timothy D. Forbis Imperial Marshal Korein Shriners Cheyenne, Wyoming

Ron DeVoll Imperial Captain of the Guard Zuhrah Shriners Birmingham, Alabama David C. Hamm Imperial Outer Guard Sharon Shriners Winona, Texas

Imperial Potentate El Zaribah Shriners Peoria, Arizona Richard G. Burke Imperial Chief Rabban

Yaarab Shriners Buford, Georgia Kevin R. Costello Imperial Assistant Rabban Cyprus Shriners Tillson, New York

Michael J. Sekera Imperial Chaplain El Bekal Shriners San Jacinto, California


Shriners International BOARD OF DIRECTORS James E. "Ed"

Kevin R. Costello 2nd Vice President Brad T. Koehn

Lawrence J. Leib Member Mark E. Hartz Member Matthew Sturlaugson Member

Martin L. Bartlett Member Timothy D. Forbis Member Ron DeVoll Member

David C. Hamm Member Kenneth G. Craven Junior Past Imperial Potentate

Stolze Jr. President

Richard G. Burke 1st Vice President

Treasurer Jim Cain Secretary


offering hope and healing to more children A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES As my final term as Chairman of the Board of Trustees comes to a close, I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude to our Shriners Children's employees, volunteers and fraternity members. Thank you for your commitment to our philanthropy and for working together to ensure its future. I believe we are in our strongest, best position ever to reach and care for the children who need us. It has been my honor and privilege to work alongside you in this effort. When I became a Shriner in 1972, I wanted to participate in the mission of improving the lives of children. I never expected to one day be serving at the national level. I am deeply grateful for the incredible opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors for 19 years, and for the support of the members of the Joint Boards. It has been the most amazing journey and experience I could ever imagine. Thank you for your trust, confidence and friendship. I also want to thank everyone for your generous support of my wife Lisa’s First Lady’s program, In Dreams I Walk . Her efforts raised awareness and understanding of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), and made a profound difference in the lives of so many children who live with this devastating condition. I am so very proud of what Lisa has done, especially continuing this effort after her term ended. Lisa has the heart of a Shriner, and sharing this journey together has been extremely meaningful and pleasant. Lisa and I are stepping into our next chapter secure in the knowledge that Shriners Children's is in a season of growth. We’re seeing more

patients than ever. We are known for being determined to improve the life of each child who comes to us, no matter the complexity of their condition and regardless of the family’s ability to pay or insurance status. We are innovators in pediatric specialty care, at the forefront of world-class research and advanced medical education. Our reputation has grown for many reasons: innovation, expertise, compassion and generosity. These qualities are part of what makes Shriners Children’s respected and beloved throughout the world. Our healthcare system continues to pursue and refine Vision 2035. Following this plan, we are working toward having 200 access points (places to obtain care) through our facilities, secondary locations, domestic and international outreach efforts and clinics, telehealth opportunities and community affiliations. We are intent on strengthening and increasing our presence in Canada by creating local affiliations and collaborative efforts. We have established new telehealth affiliations and agreements in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. These locations will be the basis of outreach efforts being established across the country. In addition, our hospital in Montreal, Quebec, now has full telehealth capabilities. We’re growing in Mexico too. Two new ambulatory clinics opened, in Culiacan and Guadalajara, with each located within a Hospital Angeles hospital building. Another new clinic, in Chihuahua City, is planned for the near future.


To provide more access to care, we need to grow our infrastructure. To that end, we continue to invest in our electronic health records (EHR) system. We accomplished our transition to the Epic® system for our outpatient care in December 2023. Now, we are deeply into phase 2 of the project, bringing Epic into our inpatient areas. This will bring us in line with the majority of healthcare providers, including many of our affiliates. The benefits of being all on one powerful system will be immense. We also continue to make progress in establishing the Shriners Children’s Medical Group, which will allow our physicians to work as part of a single system, and offer the flexibility for them to move about throughout the healthcare system, treating children at the location where they are most needed, in any given situation. We are getting medical group leadership into place and working on projects such as patient access. “ I believe we are in our strongest, best position ever to reach and care for the children who need us.” Our unique and generous healthcare system has come a long way since its founding in 1922; with your help, commitment and support, we will continue to make a difference for the children of the world – in new, innovative ways. For the last 30 years, Lisa and I have been focused on serving the Shriners organizations. While we have mixed emotions as we step down, we are confident that you will continue to support the leaders, goals and mission of Shriners Children’s. Our faith in you makes this step easier. May God bless you and our beloved philanthropy. Sincerely, Jerry G. Gantt Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Shriners Children's


Shriners Children’s – Changing and Improving Lives

Shriners Children’s is a world-renowned healthcare system committed to providing exceptional care and support to children with complex medical conditions. With locations across North America and outreach clinics held around the world, Shriners Children’s provides excellent care to children regardless of their family’s ability to pay or insurance status. Our three-part mission has one goal: to change and improve the lives of children. The experienced, compassionate teams at Shriners Children’s work collaboratively to treat patients with orthopedic conditions, burn injuries, spine conditions and spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. At Shriners Children’s, our physicians include the patients, and their families, in the decision making process, ensuring that each patient’s care plan addresses their personal goals, needs and expectations. It’s our goal to provide patients with the treatments and services that will help them to overcome physical challenges and go on to have lives full of hope, confidence, promise and achievement. Our physicians and clinicians are committed to sharing their experience and knowledge with other medical professionals, both in the United States and internationally. Residencies and other programs help train the next generation of amazing specialists. Our clinicians also participate in outreach clinics that provide the opportunity to train and educate caregivers around the world, so that they may care for the children of their communities closer to home. Through innovative research, Shriners Children’s continually seeks to contribute meaningfully

to the world body of medical knowledge, thereby improving patient care and outcomes far into the future, possibly in ways we can’t even imagine today. OUR MISSION Shriners Children’s is committed to: » Providing the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries and other special healthcare needs within a compassionate, family centered and collaborative care environment » Providing for the education of physicians knowledge that improves the quality of care and quality of life of children and families This mission is carried out without regard to race, color, creed, sex or sect, disability, national origin, or ability of a patient or family to pay. Our three-part mission has one goal: To change and improve the lives of children. and other healthcare professionals » C onducting research to discover new


proudly providing innovative, Compassionate Care telehealth opportunities and community affiliations. Our goal is to have 200 such access points by 2035. We’ve set up new telehealth capabilities to help us reach more children in Canada, and we’ve opened two new clinics in Mexico, with another to come. Our international outreach efforts are stronger than ever. To help children as they grow older, we launched the Young Adult Transition in Care program, which enhances and improves our support of patients as they move from pediatric to adult healthcare by working together and leveraging our resources as a system. Finding appropriate, high-quality medical care for adults with complex conditions can be a challenge. We want our patients to go on to live healthy, successful lives, so we are creating new and improved pathways and resources as kids “graduate” from our care. To help us provide the best care we can, we’re also investing in our infrastructure and evolving how we work. Our move to the Epic electronic health records system is progressing with great success. With our medical group we’re increasing access to care, ensuring our physicians may work as part of a single system and standardizing best practices systemwide. Thank you for being a part of this incredible year. I am inspired to work alongside you as we continue to offer hope and healing to children everywhere. Sincerely, John P. McCabe Executive Vice President Shriners Children’s 23

A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Thank you all for your continued efforts and support of Shriners Children’s. Working together with you to pursue our mission of changing and improving the lives of children and families is an honor and a privilege. I’m pleased to report we are continuing to make progress on our goals as expressed in Vision 2035, our long-range plan for patient care. It’s our roadmap for providing access to high-quality care for more children in more places, closer to where they live, in a cost-effective manner, far into the future. With so many changes in the healthcare landscape, we engaged the services of a consultant again this year to help us ensure we are on track to pursue our mission and vision. What we learned is that we’ve got the right destination in mind: To provide high-quality care for more kids in more places, more efficiently. However, the road we take on this journey will evolve. Not a hard turn, more of a gradual shift of the steering wheel. We’re going to build on our successes, continuing to provide innovative wrap-around care, conducting innovative research and offering more education to medical professionals domestically and around the world. In addition, we’re going to continue to create many more places to obtain care — through our facilities, secondary locations, domestic and international outreach efforts and clinics,

why we do What We Do

Our success is measured by our patients’ success Since our founding in 1922, Shriners Children’s has provided hope and healing to more than 1.5 million children and families. It’s our mission and our passion. Here are the stories of just a few of our inspiring patients, who are reaching for their goals and daring to dream of the amazing future ahead. Steven faces the fire Steven wears his life on his skin. Ink from more than 14 tattoos can be found beside raised lines, bumps and swirls. Every scar is a map you can trace to the accident that changed his body forever. When he was 14, Steven sustained second- and third-degree burns over most of his body after a gas leak triggered an explosion at his home in West Virginia. For three months, he received treatment at Shriners Children’s Ohio. “It was really frustrating,” he recalled. “I remembered how to walk, eat and lift things, but my body wouldn’t cooperate.” Steven credits his family and care team for finding the right motivation: sports. “We started small by tossing a ball,” he said. “They knew playing sports was really important to me, so it felt like we were accomplishing something together.” After he was discharged, Steven wanted an activity that was both physically and mentally challenging. He found that in Strongman competitions and has spent the last six years competing and succeeding in these events. He placed second in West Virginia’s 2020 Strongman competition and was named “Miami’s Baddest Man” in 2021.

“Just because I look different doesn’t mean anyone should underestimate what my body and mind are capable of.”


This strongman can lift a 330-pound stone over his head and carry an 800-pound yoke for 50 feet. “Just because I look different doesn’t mean anyone should underestimate what my body and mind are capable of,” said Steven. Now in his early 30s, Steven has a new challenge: firefighting. “Fire may have won round one with me when I was a kid, but I’ll win round two,” he said. A rare connection Keira and Madelyn were both born with the same rare condition, congenital absence of the left arm. Both received treatment at Shriners Children’s – Keira in Philadelphia and Madelyn in St. Louis. Seven years ago, thanks to the power of social media, their mothers connected, and a special bond between the pair began. Their story is an example of how Shriners Children’s patients find much more than amazing care within our walls.

because there is genuinely an immense amount of joy in meeting someone who looks just like you, after knowing each other for years but being separated by distance,” said Madelyn. Keira said she was excited when she saw Madelyn and happy that they could meet in person. The most special part of the visit was their opportunity to speak together at Keira’s school. During the presentation, the girls shared their stories and educated students about braces and prosthetics. “Keira’s self-confidence was evident as she stood with Madelyn in front of the large group of students, something she never would have done before!” said Keira’s mom, Jessica. “Not many individuals are born completely missing their left arm, and knowing that Keira is able to see

Despite their age difference, the girls share many similarities. Keira, 8, is often described as 23-year-old Madelyn’s mini-me. Those similarities have allowed them to find someone

who can relate to their daily experiences. Over the years, the girls and their moms found support in each other through messages and video calls. The fated friends met in person at last through Shriners Children’s

and the Lucky Fin Project, an

educational resource and support network for families of children with limb differences. “Meeting Keira in person was one of those moments that was incredibly hard to put into words


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