Annual Report 2023-2024

Recognizing that each unit and club operates with its unique flair and focus, Units and Clubs Updates captures the activities that members passionately organize and engage in. Inspirational spotlights showcasing the hard work and dedication of nobles motivate others to actively contribute to their respective groups. It is less about disseminating information and more about crafting an engaging narrative of their shared journey. Asiya Shriners’ use of bold, colorful graphics and their clever approach to content are different from many other Shriner publications and make them really stand out,” commented one of the Dromedary Awards judges. Oleksii shared that it takes courage to be different. “You can only be outstanding when you stand out,” he said. “This means we’re constantly pushing boundaries, exploring untapped themes, employing humor, and embracing a bold aesthetic that might be considered unorthodox in the traditional Shrine landscape." Reflecting on advice he would share with other temples about communication and engagement, Oleksii encouraged others to dare to break the » A picture is worth a thousand words, but a flood of photos can drown the message. » Leverage QR codes and links to guide your nobles and readers toward extended content on your digital platforms. » Always include a call to action. » I t’s about quality, not just quantity, and directing engagement to where it thrives most! “Don’t be afraid to be different and step outside of the comfort zone,” he said. “We capture unforgettable moments, putting the spotlight on our Shrine family’s joyous experiences. This approach not only preserves our cherished times but also highlights the genuine excitement of our fraternity to outsiders. Memories never expire, and nothing is more compelling than a shared smile or laugh captured within the pages of our next issue.” mold. He gave a few practical tips: » Stay pertinent in your messaging.

“You can only be outstanding when you stand out.”

Oleksii Chuiko, Asiya Shriners


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