Annual Report 2023-2024

a formula for Membership Growth A MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OFFICER It’s been a long time since we were able to say this in our Annual Report, but last year, Shriners International experienced a positive membership growth over a period of six months. It bears repeating: For the first time in at least 20 years, our fraternity posted growth over a six-month period, the byproduct of over 80 temples laser focused on recruitment and delivering an outstanding member experience. It’s proof of what we have long known to be true: that Shriners International as a brotherhood is attractive and relevant. The values we stand for — fun, fellowship and philanthropy — resonate with men across the globe. Our challenges moving forward are to avoid becoming complacent, to learn from that period of success and to spin it forward. It’s important that our primary focus is on new creations. Our fraternity has one of the highest retention rates in the industry, but without new creations, we will not grow. Maintaining our retention efforts, increasing resources toward new creations, and empowering new members to create relevant activities is crucial to success. As Shriners, we need to remain adaptable. There’s no one thing that will work across the board — no silver bullet. Rather, members of each temple must commit to connecting with one another and with potential members in their area, particularly Master Masons. In that way, we can learn what our brothers want and need and then begin to meet those needs.

As an organization with a strong foundation and rich history, we are in a unique position. We must implement the tools we have available to continue to attract and engage new members. Through local temple efforts and specially designed initiatives deployed from Shriners International, we must provide value to new and prospective

members as well as our long-time nobles and legacy families. I remain excited to see where the next year will take us, together. Sincerely, Bryan Harrison Chief Membership Development Officer Shriners International


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