
Jerry Gantt Re-elected President of Our Philanthropy

Imperial Sir Gantt Continues to Lead Our Health Care System

JERRY G. GANTT of Lincolnton, North Carolina, was re-elected Presi- dent of Shriners Hospitals for Children during Imperial Session in Houston, Texas. As President, he also serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Gantt is currently serving his 17th year as a member of the Board of Direc- tors for Shriners Hospitals for Children. He served as Imperial Potentate in 2015-2016. A Dedicated Leader As Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Gantt will continue to lead the work of streamlining and updating our health care system and care delivery models in order to be in the strongest position possible to provide our unique brand of compassionate care to the world’s children for the next hundred years. He will oversee efforts to provide care more efficiently and conveniently for our patients and families, espe- cially closer to their homes. And we will continue to strive to reach as many kids as possible who need our special brand of life-changing care – wherever they may live. “I am so proud of the work of the Boards of Governors, and the com- mitment of the Representatives

during this time of transition,” said Gantt. “The successes of these efforts have been possible because of the incredible teamwork of leaders at all levels – from the Joint Boards to the temples. Working together, we will continue to make great progress.” A Tradition of Compassion and Leadership Gantt became a Mason in response to the organization’s compassion and concern for others, especially orphaned children. He was raised a Master Mason in 1971 and quickly learned of the commitment of the Shriners fraternity to improve the lives of children and families. He became a member of Oasis Shriners in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1972. In 1980, he joined Arabia Shriners in Houston, Texas, where he held numer- ous offices, including being chairman of the Five-Year Planning Committee and serving as Potentate in 2002. In 1993, he was appointed to the Board of Governors of Shriners Hospi- tals for Children —Houston, a position he held for 10 years, serving as Chair- man in 2002 and 2003. In 2005, he was elected to the Imperial Line as Imperial Outer Guard. As a member

of the national Board of Directors, he has served on virtually every commit- tee, including Budget, Building and Equipment, Marketing and Communi- cations and Strategic Planning. He has also served as Liaison Officer to seven Shriners Hospitals. As Imperial Potentate in 2015-2016, he worked to strengthen the relation- ship between headquarters’ staff, the Boards of Governors, the national Joint Boards and the temple Divans. Faith in the Future While 2021 has not yet seen the end of the global pandemic, Gantt is confi- dent of the future of our organizations. “The teamwork and the spirit of support and cooperation at the Joint Boards and local leadership levels, as well as the commitment of every staff member to our mission is what will continue to make it possible for us to do the work necessary to ensure Shriners Hospitals remains a leader in pediatric health care for a second hundred years,” said Gantt. “We look forward to the end of this deadly virus, and an even brighter, better future for our unique, compassionate and gen- erous health care system.”


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