Shriner Magazine - Summer 2023

A Message from Your Imperial Potentate


As this Imperial Year comes to a close, Lady JJ and I want you to know what a privilege it has been to represent you as Imperial Potentate and First Lady. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime journey, and to be seated on the 50-yard line as we celebrated Shriners International’s 150th anni versary and Shriners Children's centennial has truly been an honor. Now it is time to look ahead to our future. There is so much to be proud of in Shriners Chil dren’s, and so much more we can do to help more kids, in more places, closer to home. I hope you’ll also think about what we can do to attract more members to our great fraternity. As storied coach Joe Gibbs says, “A winning effort takes preparation.” So let’s work together to learn how we can most successfully appeal

to prospective members, to learn how to make each outreach effort count, and to be ready with the services and value our new members are looking for. Lady JJ and I look forward to seeing you at Imperial Session in Charlotte, North Carolina. It will be a spectacular time to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished and all we hope to achieve. We thank you sincerely for all that you have done for us, and we wish the best to Imperial Sir Ed Stolze and Lady JoLynn in their upcoming year.

Kenneth G. "Kenny" Craven Imperial Potentate, Shriners International

Yours in the faith, Kenneth G. “Kenny” Craven

A Message from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees


As this Imperial Year comes to an end, I want to thank the voting representatives for giving me the opportunity to serve our amazing healthcare system as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees this past year. I also want to thank the members of the Joint Boards and the local Boards of Gov ernors for working together, and working with me, during this term. Your dedication to the mission of Shriners Chil dren’s, spirit of cooperation and determination to ensure that our healthcare system remains strong are greatly appreciated. Working together, we have accomplished a great deal. With a blend of hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, and outpatient and outreach clinics, combined with telehealth efforts and community affiliations, we are getting closer and closer to our goal of offering 200 access points to care.

In addition, we are working hard to increase our presence in both Mexico and Canada. We opened a clinic in Monterrey, Mexico, this past summer and expect to have five viable locations in Mexico by the end of the year. In Canada, we are seeking to develop local collaborations and affiliations that will allow us to effectively care for children from across the country. We are also working to streamline our international strategy and provide more opportunities for education for local medical professionals, in order to, one day, allow more of our international patients to receive care closer to their homes. To learn more about these initiatives, please see pages 8-9. Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve our philanthropy. And thank you for all you do for the Shriners organizations.

Jerry G. Gantt Chairman, Board of Trustees, Shriners Children’s

Yours in the faith, Jerry G. Gantt



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