Shriner Magazine - Summer 2023
EVERYTHING IS BIGGER AND BETTER IN TEXAS, AS THE SAYING GOES , and this year was no different at the second annual Membership & Marketing Conference and Masters Class. Approximately 250 Shriners, spouses, members of Masonic and Ladies organizations attended this year’s event, held in February in Grapevine, Texas. Guests enjoyed presentations covering topics such as identifying common goals and process for temples, building a website for their temple from novice to pro, and the magic pill to membership. Spoiler alert — it’s relationships! There was also a course offered on a cost-effective path to public relations. A crowd favorite was this year’s keynote speaker, Cory Miller, who is a motivational speaker and former linebacker for the New York Giants. “He definitely energized the crowd. It was one of those moments where he discussed the impact of apathy and how you overcome apathy in your membership organization and how crucial it is to do so,” said Bryan Harrison, Chief Member ship Development Officer for Shriners International. Miller’s message resonated with attendees. “He encouraged us to get out and share what we are doing for the children and their families and to speak from the heart with passion,” said Todd Forschino, a member of Azan Shriners in Melbourne, Florida. Forschino said he traveled to the Lone Star State to learn about best practices and to network with others to improve Shriners membership and presence in the community. “I enjoyed the conversations had by many in our breakout sessions. I heard some great ideas, which helped address some of our challenges,” he said. Harrison said the feedback was “extremely positive.” “Members walked away energized about what can be, as opposed to what is and what has been,” he said. “With that energy they’re going back with specific tactics that they can
implement immediately as well as a better understanding of the theory of membership and the theory of marketing.” For their entertainment, fun and fellowship were had at Billy Bob’s Texas in Fort Worth, known as the world’s largest Honkey Tonk, a historic venue where a number of famous country, blues and rock artists have performed, including Willie Nelson, BB King, Garth Brooks and Three Dog Night. Participants watched a cattle drive at the Fort Worth Stock yards, enjoyed an authentic BBQ dinner, explored Billy Bob’s and viewed a private bull-riding show. Harrison said the excur sion was a way of letting everyone enjoy a day of education and then decompress and have fun. “While we’re having fun, we can talk about what we learned, and then you build those relationships on an adult-learners level,” he said, noting that adults learn differently than children or college students do. “This creates a bond between members that will continue on long after the conference.” The biggest takeaway from the event for Forschino: “I enjoyed meeting Imperial Sir Kenny and JJ on my trip to Texas. I was very impressed with everyone I met at the Membership & Marketing Conference. We have a very important mission before us, and I am glad to be a part of it.”
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