Shriner Magazine - Summer 2023
An Upward Trajectory
Their name means “The Children,” and for the members of Al Atfal, it’s more than a name. It’s a reason for being.
Commitment to Kids Originally under the jurisdiction of Anezeh Shriners, the Northern Mexico area went under joint jurisdiction with San Diego’s Al Bahr Shriners in 1985. In 2008, Al Bahr was given sole jurisdiction. Since the beginning, though, Al Bahr Shriners were ready to support a new temple in Northwestern Mexico as soon as Imperial requirements were met. That dreammoment came last year, as Shriners from across Mexico had reason to celebrate at the 2022 Imperial Session — Al Atfal received its Charter and became the 200th Shriners temple. The new temple serves nobles and communities in four Northwest ern Mexico states: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora and Sinaloa. Al Atfal Shriners has several clubs up and running, too: Baja CALIFORNIA SUR 5 2 1 6 1 Baja CALIFORNIA Sonora Sinaloa Specialty CLUB
“Within Al Atfal Shriners, our commitment is for our children,” said Recorder Dr. Javier López, a Mason since 1981 and Shriner since 1992. His own most mem orable experience as a Shriner illustrates the joy that nobles experience knowing they are helping children. “A 6-year-old boy fromGuatemala visited one of our screening clinics in Tijuana,” Dr. López recalled. “He asked me to promise him that I could help him walk because he had never walked before. Being young and naive I said yes. But, I thought maybe I had promised something I couldn’t deliver. “Three or four years later at another of our clinics, I felt someone hug me from the back. When I turned around, I saw a child. I did not remember who this was until he said ‘Thank you for making me walk. I can now play soccer with my friends,’ ” said a surprised Dr. López. “I couldn’t believe that this was the little boy I promised would walk!”
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