Shriners Children's New England Newsletter


The x-rays showed exactly what Adam had suspected, a clear dislocation of Theo’s left hip. Known as developmental hip dysplasia or DDH, the condition occurs in babies and children when the hip joint has not formed normally causing the ball of the thighbone to be outside the hip socket. In the United States, approximately 1 to 2 babies per 1,000 are born with DDH. It usually affects the left hip and is predominant in girls and pediatric orthopedic surgeon Rubini Pathy, M.D., and introduced her to Theo’s parents. Dr. Pathy explained Theo’s diagnosis to Ellie and Lucien and reviewed treatment options. For a dislocation, surgery is the preferred option in order to obtain a normal hip shape and normal hip function, while minimizing the risk of early hip osteoarthritis. babies born in breech position. Adam immediately consulted with

Theodora (Theo, for short) is a vibrant, spirited and active toddler who has one speed: go! Whether it is splashing through puddles, chasing her older sister, Lucy, or exploring a new art project, this little one brings her family big joy. When Theo was a baby, her parents, Ellie and Lucien, noticed that she often leaned to her right side, and dragged her left leg a little when she crawled. By 14 months, she had a noticeable limp when walking, but, despite regular checkups with her pediatrician, Ellie and Lucien were reassured there was no cause for concern. When Theo’s daycare provider also voiced concerns about Theo’s gait, Ellie and Lucien decided to get a second opinion. They brought Theo to Shriners Children’s New England. Orthopedic specialist Adam Iwanski, PA-C, identified an issue within minutes of his examination of Theo. “I found that she had slightly less range of motion at the left hip compared to the right,” he said. “In addition, she appeared to have a leg length discrepancy. I recommended we take x-rays to further evaluate her hips.”

8 Because You Care

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