Shriners Children's New England Newsletter


Adopted from China between the ages of one and three, Matt, Teddy and Bethany were all born in need of cleft lip and palate care. Each had surgery prior to their adoptions, but required more extensive treatment after arriving in the United States. While their parents, Melissa and Andy, had some initial success finding experienced providers near their home in Albany, NY, it required an enormous amount of research. They struggled to find appropriate orthodontic care for all three children, getting different answers from each specialist they visited. Matt and Teddy both had issues with their speech and had difficulty being understood. No one could provide the family with a clear path forward. “I had exhausted everything that was available to us in Albany, and our insurance company had classified everything else as “cosmetic” and not

necessary to seek out-of-town care,” said Melissa. “I had nowhere to turn to help my kids.” At the height of the family’s frustration, a billboard went up in downtown Albany advertising the services available at Shriners Children’s New England in Springfield, MA. Melissa contemplated making a phone call to get more information. Then, that weekend, her parents took the kids to the Big E, New England’s Great State Fair, in West Springfield, MA, where they spoke to a kind man who told them about the cleft lip and palate care available at Shriners. That man turned out to be Philip Stoddard, M.D., a renowned plastic surgeon from Shriners Children’s. “My parents relayed the information to us, and I made the call on Monday,” said Melissa. “The rest is history - it has been the best decision we ever made for the health of all three kids!” >> cont. on page 4

Text Pictured (L-R): Bethany, Melissa, Andy, Matt and Teddy.

Fa l l 2022 3

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