

counted on to celebrate the end of isolation and fear, and lead the fun and fellowship parade the very moment it is lawful and safe to do so. The challenge and the turmoil that began in February of 2020 provide Shriners with an amazing opportunity to demonstrate our character and compassion as we re-engage with our communities. This difficult time has given us the opportunity to re-examine our perspectives and priorities to clarify what each of us believes is important. Our families, our communities and our fraternity are important! We hope and expect that the 2021 Imperial Session in Houston, Texas, will provide the launching pad for a re- energized and reinvigorated Shriners fraternity. Our forward motion toward our goals is best viewed through the windshield, not through the rearview mirror. Now is the time to plan and to invest in activities and events that our members, prospective nobles and our communities strongly desire.

in order to succeed. If we do that, our temples, units, clubs – and even our nobles – will be in a substantially stronger position. The rays of hope and light that will eventually end this dark period of the pandemic are beginning to be seen and shared. As we emerge from this difficult trial, we must focus our attention and efforts on the future. The leadership Shriners provide is not limited to getting through the bleak days of the pandemic. We are now called to lead our communities back into the light of social interaction and community involvement, and replace negativity and isolation with positive energy, fun and fellowship. We look forward to the hard work that will provide a promising future with an overwhelming sense of optimism. In doing so, we aren’t ignoring or diminishing the hardship or losses that we have endured over the course of the last year. There is no question that we have faced, and continue to endure, some serious problems. However, even the largest of those obstacles have been identified and can be overcome through resolve, perseverance and a positive “can-do” attitude. It should surprise no one that the Shriners are going to be “#First2Fun” and can be

SHRINERS ARE #FIRST2FUN It has been said, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” We have all endured an exceptionally difficult period during the coronavirus pandemic. Although the difficulties and darkness impacted each of us differently, all of us were definitely affected. As expected, Shriners demonstrated unique and unequaled determination and proved themselves able to overcome the many challenges. Not all organizations can make that claim. There is no question that the pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing challenges relating to losses of membership, revenue and interactive involvement. Restrictions have limited our ability to add new members, generate event-based income and provide opportunities for Shriners to interact with one another. Our focus on reversing these trends through positive action has never been more important. Rather than retreat, we have invested in providing incredible new tools and initiatives specifically designed to address those concerns. These extremely promising opportunities will require a determined effort to realize their potential. We must be willing to adopt and use these new initiatives

Yours in the faith,

John C. Piland Executive Vice President Shriners International

2020-2021 YEAR IN REVIEW


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