made. We were afraid our temple would lose credibility if a ceremony was not held to honor our new recruits.” So they committed to going virtual. They planned a public ceremony that would be held online, which could be viewed and participated in by the candidates and their families from their own homes. In addition, the Amal leadership would hold closed regional meetings at a later date for its new members in order to share the more private aspects of the traditional ceremonial. In total, 226 links were made on the web presentation, Whittemore said, and 140 candidates were initiated. As the pandemic wore on, it became apparent that it would not be safe to gather for Imperial Session, and the difficult decision was made to move the event online. Missing the chance to gather for the fraternity’s biggest event of the year was hard on everyone who had looked forward to gathering together in Kansas City, Missouri. But, all agreed the health and well-being The virtual Special Session allowed the fraternity to conduct necessary business despite the limitations imposed by the pandemic. Written balloting on changes to the bylaws to permit holding a virtual Special Session concluded on June 13, 2020. All of the measures necessary to proceed with the planned Special Session were adopted. We received 634 responses from the Iowa Representatives and 1,215 responses from the Colorado Members, meeting the requirement of 150 – the quorum requirement under either the Iowa or Colorado Corporation bylaws. Using a combination of pre-recorded audio and video clips, live streaming and a variety of electronic programs and platforms, much was accomplished in the one-day online event held on July 11, 2020. Voting was conducted; nominations, reports and motions were heard; positions were accepted; new officers were fezzed; and officers were installed. In addition, Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder and Lady Cheryl gave closing remarks, and Imperial Sir Jim Smith and of nobles, their families and their communities must come first.
Lady Alice gave their first statements as Imperial Potentate and First Lady. This Special Session took considerable planning and technological knowledge and ability to execute. We appreciate the efforts and expertise of everyone involved, and congratulate them on a successful event. On July 29, 2020, a Facebook live event was held. “A Look at the New Imperial Year” featured the premiere of the National Patient Ambassadors video, Through Darkness I Shine . Also shown were many of the speeches and videos from the Special Session, in order to ensure that as many fraternity members as possible, and their ladies, had the opportunity to view this material. ADAPTING THEIR ACTIVITIES As men dedicated to fun, fellowship and philanthropy, Shriners were determined not to let the pandemic shut them down. Instead, they found creative ways to safely support one another and their communities. Some nobles brought joy and smiles to others by putting on socially-distanced parades and concerts. Others provided service by giving food to health care workers or community members, donating supplies and paying special attention to the needs of their most vulnerable temple members.
Here are just a few examples of how temples carried on during the coronavirus crisis.
Ben Ali Shriners, Sacramento, California
Since hygiene products were in short supply, nobles participated in a toiletry drive organized by staff members from Shriners Hospitals for Children — Northern California. Ben Ali Shriners and hospital volunteers collected thousands of travel-size shampoos, conditioners, soaps and other supplies. Collection bins were placed in the lobby of the hospital for donations from employees, and hospital volunteers were invited to drop off toiletries with Ben Ali Shriners,
who collected donations in a drive- through format, with social-distancing precautions in place.
2020-2021 YEAR IN REVIEW
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