
2019 Membership Awards Recruitment and retention are the keys to a strong fraternity. The Membership Award Program recognizes temples and temple leaders who experience a net gain or improvement in regular

Tell Your Story and Other Videos The Tell Your Story video series features Shriners sharing their personal fraternal stories and experiences. These videos can be shown during temple meetings, on social media and more. Vignettes from the series have been released via Fezcast , shown during association meetings, and are available for download on Shriners Village.

membership during the calendar year. After all the counting was done, Shriners International finished the 2019 calendar year with 29 Hall of Fame Gold Award temples, 44 Silver Award temples, and 36 Bronze Award temples.

In addition, temples, clubs and units are sharing their It Worked for Us stories in short video messages included in the weekly Membership Message . Each of us has personal

To earn Gold Award status, a temple must show a net gain or no loss in membership, and members more than two years in arrears for their dues had to be suspended or dues remitted by Dec. 31. Gold AwardWinners: Mabuhay Shriners (Eight consecutive years)

stories and ideas. By sharing them among our own temples and others, we can increase

Agila Shriners (Two consecutive years) Algeria Shriners (Two consecutive years) Amal Shriners (Two consecutive years) Anezeh Shriners (Two consecutive years)

our bonds of brotherhood and inspire others.

Bolivia Shriners (Two consecutive years) Emirat Shriners (Two consecutive years) Kismet Shriners (Two consecutive years)

Mahi Shriners (Two consecutive years) Mecca Shriners (Two consecutive years) Murat Shriners (Two consecutive years) Sahara Shriners (Two consecutive years) Afifi Shriners Al Amin Shriners Al Chymia Shriners Al Rai'e Saleh Shriners Alee Shriners Barak Shriners Beni Kedem Shriners El Maida Shriners El Zagal Shriners India Shriners Jerusalem Shriners Scimitar Shriners Kosair Shriners Rizpah Shriners Salaam Shriners

Silver Award Temples demonstrate overall improvement of more than 2% from the previous year. Silver Award Winners: Ahmed, Al Aska, Al Kader, Al Malaikah, Al Menah, Al Shamal, Aladdin, Alhambra,

Aloha, Antioch, Arabia, Ararat, Azan, Bagdad, Beja, Ben Hur, Cahaba, Calam, Egypt, El Jebel, El Kalah, El Korah, El Zaribah, Hasan, Hejaz, Ismailia, Jaffa,

Cyprus Shriners El Bekal Shriners

Joppa, Kalif, Kerak, Khedive, Khiva, Kora, Lu Lu, Mazol, Media, Midian, Mizpah, Moslah, Saladin, Tigris, Yaarab, Yelduz and Zenobia

Award-winning temples are usually recognized during Imperial

Session. With the cancellation of the 2020 Imperial Session because of the pandemic,

Bronze Award Temples show overall improvement of less than 2% from the previous year. Bronze Award Winners: Abba, Al Bedoo, Al Kaly, Al Koran, Al Sihah, Aleppo, Alzafar, Arab, Bahia, Ben Ali, Boumi, Crescent, El Hasa, El Kahir, El Karubah, Irem, Jamil, Kaaba, Kena, Korein, Luxor, Maskat, Mocha,

an alternative way to recognize and honor these temples, and their worthy achievements is being planned. In the meantime, we congratulate and thank them for all their hard work and efforts.

Moslem, Nur, Oasis, Rajah, Rhode Island, Sharon, Sphinx, Tadmor, Tangier, Tebala, Za-Ga-Zig, Zem and Zuhrah

2019•2020 YEAR IN REVIEW | 19

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