2020 Outcomes Report Portland Shriners Hospital
Publications and presentations from 2020
Lafita-Navarro MC, Liaño-Pons J, Quintanilla A, Varela I, Blanco R, Ourique F, Bretones G, Aresti J, Molina E, Carroll P, Hurlin P , Romero OA, Sanchez-Céspedes M, Eisenman RN, Delgado MD, León J. The MNT transcription factor autoregulates its expression and supports proliferation in MYC-associated factor X (MAX)- deficient cells . J Biol Chem. 2020 Feb 14;295(7):2001-2017. doi: 10.1074/ jbc.RA119.010389. Epub 2020 Jan 9. PMID:3 1919096 Hastings ML, Brigande JV . Fetal gene therapy and pharmacotherapy to treat congenital hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction . Hear Res. 2020 Mar 5:107931. doi: 10.1016/j. heares.2020.107931. PMID: 32173115 Lin C, Zhang N, Waldorff EI, Punsalan P, Wang D, Semler E, Ryaby JT,Yoo J, Johnstone B . Comparing cellular bone matrices for posterolateral spinal fusion in a rat model . JOR Spine. 2020 Mar 15;3(2):e1084. doi: 10.1002/jsp2.1084. eCollection 2020 Jun. PMID: 32613160 Welborn MC , Bouton D, Baksh N, Degan T, Sienko S . Image Distortion in Biplanar Slot Scanning: Patient- specific Factors . J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 Mar 20. doi: 10.1097/ BPO.0000000000001547. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32205683 Sharp J, Bouton D, Anabell L, Degan T, Sienko S , Welborn MC . Image Distortion in Biplanar Slot Scanning: Part 2 Technology-specific Factors . J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 Apr 28. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001570. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32349023 Ricker CA, Crawford K, Matlock K, Lathara M, Seguin B, Rudzinski ER, Berlow NE, Keller C . Defining an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma endotype . Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2020 Apr 1;6(2):a005066. doi: 10.1101/mcs.a005066. Print 2020 Apr.PMID: 32238403 Free PMC article. Johnstone B , Zhang N, Waldorff EI, Semler E, Dasgupta A, Betsch M, Punsalan P, Cho H, Ryaby JT, Yoo J. A Comparative Evaluation of Commercially Available Cell-Based Allografts in a Rat Spinal Fusion Model .
Int J Spine Surg. 2020 Apr 30;14(2):213-221. doi: 10.14444/7026. eCollection 2020 Apr.PMID: 32355628 Stadler HS . Encouraging cartilage production . Elife. 2020 May 6;9:e57239. doi: 10.7554/ eLife.57239.PMID: 32374717 Berlow NE, Grasso CS, Quist MJ, Cheng M, Gandour-Edwards R, Hernandez BS, Michalek JE, Ryan C, Spellman P, Pal R, Million LS, Renneker M, Keller C . Deep Functional and Molecular Characterization of a High-Risk Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma . 2020 May 4;2020:6312480. doi: 10.1155/2020/6312480. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32565715 F, Lentz JJ, Hastings ML, Brigande JV . Fetal antisense oligonucleotide therapy for congenital deafness and vestibular dysfunction . Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 May 21;48(9):5065-5080. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa194.PMID: 32249312 Crawford KA, Berlow NE, Tsay J, Lazich M, Mancini M, Noakes C, Huang T, Keller C . Case report for an adolescent with germline RET mutation and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2020 Jun 12;6(3):a004853. doi: 10.1101/ mcs.a004853. Print 2020 Jun.PMID: 32532875 Working ZM, Morris ER, Chang JC, Coghlan RF , Johnstone B , Miclau T, Horton WA , Bahney CS. A Quantitative Serum Biomarker of Circulating Collagen X Effectively Correlates with Endochondral Fracture Healing . J Orthop Res. 2020 Jun 13. doi: 10.1002/jor.24776. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32533783 Zhang H, Qi L, DuY, Huang LF, Braun FK, Kogiso M, ZhaoY, Li C, Lindsay H, Zhao S, Injac SG, Baxter PA, Su JM, Stephan C, Keller C , Heck KA, Harmanci A, Harmanci AO,Yang J, Klisch TJ, Li XN, Patel AJ. Patient- Derived Orthotopic Xenograft (PDOX) Mouse Models of Primary and Recurrent Meningioma . Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jun 5;12(6):E1478. doi: 10.3390/cancers12061478.PMID: 32517016 Wang L, Kempton JB, Jiang H, Jodelka FM, Brigande AM, Dumont RA, Rigo
Buran BN, Elkins S, Kempton JB, Porsov EV, Brigande JV , David SV. Optimizing Auditory Brainstem Response Acquisition Using Interleaved Frequencies . J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2020 Jun;21(3):225-242. doi: 10.1007/s10162-020-00754-3. Epub 2020 Jul 9. PMID: 32648066 Rothweiler R, Basoli V, Duttenhoefer F, Kubosch D, Schmelzeisen R, Johnstone B , Alini M, Stoddart MJ. Predicting and Promoting Human Bone Marrow MSC Chondrogenesis by Way of TGFβ Receptor Profiles: Toward Personalized Medicine . Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020 Jun 26;8:618. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00618. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32676497 Matsuzaki T, Keene DR , Nishimoto E, Noda M. Reversion-inducing cysteine- rich protein with Kazal motifs and MT1-MMP promote the formation of robust fibrillin fibers . J Cell Physiol. 2020 Jul 30. doi: 10.1002/jcp.29982. PMID: 32730638 Bauer J , Do KP , Feng J , Aiona M . Calf lengthening may improve knee recurvatum in specific children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy . J Child Orthop. 2020 Aug 1;14(4):353-357. doi: 10.1302/1863-2548.14.200092. PMID: 32874371 Pattappa G, Krueckel J, Schewior R, Franke D, Mench A, Koch M, Weber J, Lang S, Pfeifer CG, Johnstone B , Docheva D, Alt V, Angele P, Zellner J. Physioxia Expanded Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Have Improved Cartilage Repair in an Early Osteoarthritic Focal Defect Model . Biology (Basel). 2020 Aug 17;9(8):230. doi: 10.3390/ biology9080230. PMID: 32824442 Ebens CL, McGrath JA, Riedl JA, Keith AR, Lilja G, Rusch S, Keene DR , Tufa SF , Riddle MJ, Shanley R, Van Heest AE, Tolar J. Immune tolerance of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation supports donor epidermal grafting of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa chronic wounds . Br J Dermatol. 2020 Aug 31. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19503. PMID: 32866988 Bornert O, Hogervorst M, Nauroy P, Bischof J, Swildens J, Athanasiou I, Tufa SF , Keene DR , Kiritsi D, Hainzl S, Murauer EM, Marinkovich MP, Platenburg G, Hausser I, Wally V,
Presentations Ellen Raney, M.D. presented on the topic of Proximal Femoral Varus Derotational Osteotomy at Oregon Health and Science University Orthopaedic Residency Virtual Simulation Lab In February of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Syndromic Scoliosis at the Virtual Global Spine Conference in May of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented virtually on the topic of Complex Spine Deformity: Achieving Maximal Correction with Minimal Risk for Complications: The Role of Halo Gravity Traction at the Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery in May of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Level Selection in Scoliosis at Grand Rounds for the Good Samaritan Orthopaedic Residency Program in May of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented virtually on the topic of Radiographic vs. Biologic Markers for Growth Prediction in Idiopathic Scoliosis at POSNA in May of 2020. Ellen Raney, M.D. presented on the topic of Orthopaedic Care of Adults with Childhood Onset Conditions: Focus on Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and Barriers to Care for the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons in August of 2020. Dominique Laron, M.D. presented on the topic of Fascia Iliaca Pain Block Results in Lower Overall Narcotic Usage & Shorter Hospital Stays Than Epidural Anesethesia After Hip Reconstruction in Children with Cerebral Palsy at AACPDM in August of 2020. Daniel Bouton, M.D., Joseph Krajbich, M.D., and Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Exo Corporal Evaluation of Magnetic Growth Rods in Patients Treated by the Protocol of Frequent Small Increments
Daniel Bouton, M.D. and Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Correlation of Collagen X Biomarker (CXM) with Peak Height Velocity and Radiographic Measures of Growth in Idiopathic Scoliosis in December of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of The Association between the Utilization of Traction and Postoperative Complications following Growing Rod Instrumentation at ICEOS in December of 2020. Carly Woodmark, M.Sc., Brianna Hostetler, MS, and Stephanie Cadman, FNP presented a poster on PROMISing Outcomes: Targeting Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes at the International Consortium of Health Outcomes Measurement Annual Conference in November of 2020. Carly Woodmark, M.Sc. and Daniel Bouton, M.D., presented a poster on PROMISing: Process Improvement in Psychosocial Health at the American College of Surgeons Quality and Safety Annual Conference in July of 2020. Publications Harrold AP, Cleary MM, Bharathy N, Lathara M, Berlow NE, Foreman NK, Donson AM, Amani V, Zuercher WJ, Keller C . In vitro benchmarking of NF-κB inhibitors . Eur J Pharmacol. 2020 Jan 31;873:172981. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.172981. PMID: 32014486 Ricker CA, Berlow NE, Crawford KA, Georgopapadakos T, Huelskamp AN, Woods AD, Dhimolea E, Ramkissoon SH, Spunt SL, Rudzinski ER, Keller C . Undifferentiated small round cell sarcoma in a young male: a case report . Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2020 Feb 3;6(1). pii: a004812. doi: 10.1101/mcs.a004812. Print 2020 Feb. PMID: 32014859
Lengthenings at Scoliosis Research Society in August of 2020.
Daniel Bouton, M.D., Joseph Krajbich, M.D., and Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of The Effect of Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod Lengthening on Kyphosis at Scoliosis Research Society in August of 2020. Daniel Bouton, M.D. and Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Correlation of Collagen X Biomarker is Predictive of Growth Cessation in Idiopathic Scoliosis at Scoliosis Research Society in August of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Utilization of intraoperative Cranial Traction Protects Non-Idiopathic Patients from Postoperative Complications following Growing Rod Instrumentation at Scoliosis Research Society in September of 2020. Krister Freese, M.D. presented on the topic of Evidence-Based Treatment of Pediatric Fingertip Injuries at AAOS in December of 2020. Daniel Bouton, M.D., Joseph Krajbich, M.D., and Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Outcomes of MCGR at >3 year ave follow-up in severe scoliosis: who undergoes elective revision vs UPROR at Scoliosis Research Society in December of 2020. Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Anterior spine surgery in the 2020s: from guided growth, to releases, to anterior fusions saving levels and improving outcomes ICL at POSNA in December of 2020. Daniel Bouton, M.D. and Michelle Welborn, M.D. presented on the topic of Collagen X Biomarker (CXM) is predictive of growth cessation in Idiopathic Scoliosis at ICEOS in December of 2020.
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